After being so remote and travelling being back in the city feels new, not like anything we miss to be honest. The kids are cooped up most of the day in small spaces and don't have the freedom to run and play without worrying about other people, cars and various other dangers.
We bought some new storage boxes for the roof of the car and Jay fitted them so they cannot be removed easily. This means we can store the stuff we need but don't often use, like the chainsaw, Lils uni books and spare clothes for the kids.
We found a good website called campground.com which has various camp spots on private land. The owners offer up spaces on their property for small fees and allow you to get places you wouldn't normally see. We found a lovely spot called Wild valley in the heart of gippsland Victoria. Sits in the middle of the strezlecki ranges and on top of a hill overlooking the valley. We are there for over a week with the option to stop longer if we want.
Jay got himself a swag for when he heads of fishing on his own so he doesn't need to drag the trailer everywhere. He headed of camping for a couple of nights up near noojee and caught a massive freshwater crayfish from a secret location. He didn't like the idea of cooking up something that had survived for decades and put him back in his own spot. Getting soft in his old age.........maybe .

We are leaving the city on the 26th December and hopefully won't be back for a long time.
We are all itching to go have another adventure already.......I don't know how we will cope with normal city life again.........